We’re Officially Carbon Zero
To say we are very, very proud of this is an understatement. We have recently been certified Toitu (previously Enviromark) Carbon Zero. It’s taken a while to get here but it’s been so worth it. We started out with an audit to measure our carbon footprint. It was amazing to see how much just everyday activities at the Holiday Park generate carbon. So we set about thinking about how we could do better.
Here’s what we did:
- We reduced our petrol and diesel consumption by using e-scooters
- We changed our waste removal provider to one that 100% recycles our glass
- We reduced our water consumption and flow saving gas usage
- Soon we’ll be changing to a 100% carbon zero electricity provider
- And no more air travel for business
- We’ve also been planting these lots and lots of native trees. And we’ve been on a stoat trapping mission.

What’s on for the school holidays?
Let’s face it, we’ve all spent way to much time at home recently. There’s no tropical island getaways this July either. So a few days break on a West Coast beach might be just the trick. You probably won’t need to pack the board shorts but there’s still heaps to do. Kayaking or a paddle board on our safe lagoon. Maybe some fishing or surf-casting? Our fantastic pump track will keep the kids occupied as will our adventure playground. And of course a lovely coffee is close at hand. |

West Coast Winter Weather
The West Coast may be better known for our wilder weather but in winter it’s often the opposite. Those cold southerly blasts tend to roll up the eastern side of New Zealand in winter leaving the West in the sunshine.